Monday May 18th-Modified School Schedule. Grade 12 Exams from 9:00-12:30. Period 1-4 commence thereafter.
You are advised to attend class to submit final ISU or other outstanding term work by 3:00pm on Monday May 18th, 2012.
I will also notify you of your current mark entering the exam and sign off on Crib Sheets.
Period 1 writes on Tueday June 19th 9:00 am-10:30 am
Period 2 writes on Wednesday June 20th 9:00am-10:30am
Please return all course textbooks by your exam date. If books are not returned as a class set you are responsible for the textbook you were assigned at the begininng of the school term. Your cooperation is required. Good Luck and have a safe and happy summer.
Mr. G. Bilotta
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Important Reminder
Course HRE201 ISU- Six Images of the Church is due on June 15th, 2012.
Submit or email to
The Common Good-Social Justice Summative Package worth 5% is Past Due. Please submit ASAP.
The Vatican City Composition-How does Vatican City demonstrate characterisitcs of Christ, Culture and Community.
Exam Review-Crib Sheet due on Friday June 15th, 2012.
Submit or email to
The Common Good-Social Justice Summative Package worth 5% is Past Due. Please submit ASAP.
The Vatican City Composition-How does Vatican City demonstrate characterisitcs of Christ, Culture and Community.
Exam Review-Crib Sheet due on Friday June 15th, 2012.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
HRE201 Exam Review Schedule
Attendance and homework completion are critical for student success. Complete each handout below and consider key concepts to be included on your exam crib sheet.
June 08- Exam Review No.1 Handout
June 11-Exam Review No. 2 Handout
June 12 Exam Review No. 3 Handout
June 13 Exam Review No. 4 Handout
June 14 Exam Review No. 5 Handout
June 15 Exam Review No. 6 Handout
Part 1-Multiple Choice. Read each statement and select the appropriate answer. To be completed on scantron card. HB Pencil required. /30 Marks
June 08- Exam Review No.1 Handout
June 11-Exam Review No. 2 Handout
June 12 Exam Review No. 3 Handout
June 13 Exam Review No. 4 Handout
June 14 Exam Review No. 5 Handout
June 15 Exam Review No. 6 Handout
Part 1-Multiple Choice. Read each statement and select the appropriate answer. To be completed on scantron card. HB Pencil required. /30 Marks
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Unit Test Reminder
Final Unit Test on Wed May 30, 2012
Periods 1 and 2
Duration-Entire Period
Review Practice Exercise.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Important Note-Christian Vision of Time
The Christian Vision of Time
· Time is a measurement of movement or events. For example, the days, months and years measure the motion of the earth around the sun; our activities from birth to death measure our lives. Time is often approached by what it is time for – time to plant, to each, etc. If anything reveals what time means to us, what it is for, it is our commitments and our promises. They will determine what sort of story we tell when we give an account of our lives.
Secular Time
· Our culture today has a very intense view of time. Unlike other cultures in the world, North Americans value how much an individual can produce in a limited amount of time. As a result, people value how many things they can do rather than how well we can do things. Likewise our culture values how others can help us accomplish more things rather than the quality of our relationships with others and God. Students often feel that their value is based on how much homework they do, how well they do in school and how many extra-curricular events they participate in. Rarely are they given help or recognition for developing close bonds with family, friends and God.
Christian Time
· Christian time celebrates the focal point of human time: the story of God with us. It celebrates the memory of particular events that continue to shape our covenant relationship with God. The central events of Christianity remember Jesus’ death and resurrection and his incarnation. Easter and Christmas are the high points of the Christian calendar. Every Sunday is like a “little Easter,” when we remember and celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord. Christians know that Jesus is the beginning and the end of time. He is the Lord of history.
Lived Time
· Lived time is an inner awareness of time as it is experienced in the events of our lives, rather than as it is measured by clocks. It comes out of our memory as we move through life and includes our past, present and our hope for the future. Example: “This class is never going to end!”
· The teaching of the final times.
· The tension in Christian time between the present time and the fullness of time
· The fullness of time is when creation and redemption will be complete, possibly at the end of time – the Second Coming of Christ.
· Genesis 1 states that the “Sabbath”, or Saturday, is the last day of creation on which the Lord rested. Jews keep holy the Sabbath day since it is the third commandment.
· Jesus rose from the dead on the “third day” which was Sunday and not Saturday. Unlike Jews, Christians view Sunday as the day on which creation was complete through the work of Jesus Christ. We now keep the Sabbath holy on Sunday instead of Saturday.
The Paschal Triduum
· The Paschal Triduum divides the year up into four blocks of time: Advent, Ordinary Time, Lent, and Ordinary Time. This helps us to stay focused on the fact that Christ transformed the world for all time. He did this through his birth, life, death, and resurrection. The Triduum allows us to focus on these points in his life.
How our View of Time Affects our View of Life
· If we view time as “Christian Time” we are more likely to view our entire life span as a gift from God. We realize that our time on earth is short and that the importance of life is to fulfill the covenant Jesus left us: Love one another and love God.
· If we live by another view of time, we will be frustrated and feel unfilled. The secular vision of time corrupts our essential nature as being made in the image of God and being one in the body of Christ. Christians believe in hard work as a reflection of the gifts and talents God has given and as a way for us to serve one another. Hard work is not an “ends” in itself or as a means of worshipping false Gods such as the wealth that hard work may bring.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Final Course Unit Test-May 30th, 2012
Reminder to HRE201 students, the last course unit test is scheduled for May 30th, 2012.
Your practice test is a very good outline for study!
Your practice test is a very good outline for study!
May 24 Inside The Vatican-Documentary
After viewing the documentary entitled Inside The Vatican determine how Vatican City represents a place and characteristics of Culture, Community and Christ.
Brainstorm examples in point form in your notes and be prepared to discuss these examples in class.
Brainstorm examples in point form in your notes and be prepared to discuss these examples in class.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Media Analysis-Gifted Hands
As a whole class we are viewing the Ben Carson story. A media review response will follow.
ISU Homework Component
Bearing Witness to Christ
1. Define Communion of Saints, page 202.
2. Explain how these sacraments help us bear witness to Christ: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, p. 202.
· Baptism:
· Confirmation
· Eucharist
3. Why is it important to be a “witness”? p. 203
4. How did Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin encounter Christ? P. 204-5
5. How are you called to “Bear Witness”? read p. 206-7
6. What is a Martyr? P. 208-9
ISU Expectations-Important Content To Consider
Unit 2 Major Assignment
Grade 10 Religion
ISU Media-Scrapbook
Scavenger Hunt Hints
One of the places where we find out what human beings are all about is through the media. This is one means of keeping up to date with the many occurrences and changes in our world today. It also provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the content of your daily newspaper and educational magazines as a source of current information about the daily changes in the world around us.
Finally the purpose of this assignment is to create an interest in, and an awareness of current problem and opportunities and to encourage reading, debate, and discussion of issues affecting the human self.
Divide into a small group of four and create a name for your group. Groups should work together to find items from news or magazines articles from the Internet that relate to the Scavenger Hunt headings listed below. Each group member should design a scrapbook or a power point presentation. The scrapbook will be handed in.
What Information To Include For Each Item:
Place your information in order of the titles given below. Summarize each article in own words, include your opinion (agree, disagree and why) and include a recommendation (Would you change anything? Explain) Add images, and be creative in both your delivery and within your scrapbook.
Scavenger Hunt Items:
- An article describing a serious problem that needs solving.
- An article describing an effective leader or role model.
- An article that deals with an organization doing something unethical.
- An article that deals with a relationship gone wrong. (I.e. youth violent crime, suicide, homicide, divorces.)
- An article about a breakthrough in technology, science, or medicine that will help save many lives.
- An article about events in a foreign country that will affect the Canadian market or provide Canadians with new opportunities.
- An article relating to education or learning. (Positive or negative)
- An article on social assistance, unemployment, or welfare.
- An article on community involvement.
- An article that relates to any human trait discussed in theme 1.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Six Images of the Church-Activity
The Church - the Sign of the Risen Christ in the World
Models of Church: institution, advocate, teacher, transformer, servant ,community
Image | Model | Reason for your Answer |
Mother Teresa and a malnourished child
| Servant |
She is serving the needs of a hungry child.
The Pope and Cardinal Ambrozic
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Abortion Protestors
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Baptism of a Child
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Children acting out Jesus’ birth
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A priest speaking to students at a school
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Communion being received
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Parishioners gather for a Mass
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Against oppression in
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Nun talking to prisoners
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Marriage Service
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Sunday School
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Catholics at World Conferences
Six Images of the Church-May 10
The Six Images of the Church
The Church is an organized structure with rules and buildings. This image includes the leaders of the Church and the hierarchical structure of this leadership. Christ, followed by the Pope, is the head of this hierarchy. The Church is not a democracy.
The Church speaks on behalf of the oppressed, poor, and outcast and is an advocate for a just and loving world.
The Church proclaims or “heralds” Jesus’ message with words and actions. The Church calls us to hear the word of God, to celebrate and believe. Christians have a responsibility of “spreading” the message of Jesus to the world.
The Church shows the world the presence of God through love and sacrament. The Church is the Body of Christ on earth. Each member is a part of that body. Each member carries on Christ’s work of building the Kingdom of God on earth.
It serves the People of God and all of God’s creatures. As Jesus’ washed the disciples feet, we too are called to serve others using our talents, skills and interests. A Christian is the hands and feet of Jesus on earth.
It is a community that welcomes everyone and has a vision of what the world could be. We are devoted to one another through being one body in Christ.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
The Ultimate Gift Response
As a whole class we viewed the film The Ultimate Gifts. Your task is to respond to the film in three ways:
i) Provide a brief description of the film content;
iii) Include any criticisms of the film (if any) or how this film represents any aspects of modern society;
v) State the importance of the films message/gifts to a member who lives within the kingdom of God.
Knowledge and Understanding 5 Marks
Thinking 5 Marks
Communication 5 Marks
Hints: Use your textbook Themes (Me and Institutions and Generosity).
Include any Main Arguments, Supporting ideas and a conclusion.
Due Tuesday May 08, 2012 Periods 1/2.
i) Provide a brief description of the film content;
iii) Include any criticisms of the film (if any) or how this film represents any aspects of modern society;
v) State the importance of the films message/gifts to a member who lives within the kingdom of God.
Knowledge and Understanding 5 Marks
Thinking 5 Marks
Communication 5 Marks
( Type written double space with Title Page-Most Preferred)
Hints: Use your textbook Themes (Me and Institutions and Generosity).
Include any Main Arguments, Supporting ideas and a conclusion.
Due Tuesday May 08, 2012 Periods 1/2.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
**Reminder Unit Test Tuesday May 01, 2012**
HRE201 Christ Culture and Community
Periods 1/2 Unit Test Expectations
Theme 10-Self Understanding In Our Own Culture
PP. 86-92: Self-Understanding, Individualism, self-esteem, Rene Descartes, Seven Tendencies of Individualism, Western Culture
Theme 11- The Desire For God Is Written In The Human Heart
PP. 94-101: Love of Self. Atheism, Agnosticism, Mother Teresa
Theme 12- Friendship
PP.104-112: Friendship: Golden Rule, the other, reciprocity
Part A- Knowledge/Understanding (True or False, Fill in the blank or Multiple Choice)
Part B- Short Answer Questions.
Part C- Media Long Answer Response
Periods 1/2 Unit Test Expectations
Theme 10-Self Understanding In Our Own Culture
PP. 86-92: Self-Understanding, Individualism, self-esteem, Rene Descartes, Seven Tendencies of Individualism, Western Culture
Theme 11- The Desire For God Is Written In The Human Heart
PP. 94-101: Love of Self. Atheism, Agnosticism, Mother Teresa
Theme 12- Friendship
PP.104-112: Friendship: Golden Rule, the other, reciprocity
Part A- Knowledge/Understanding (True or False, Fill in the blank or Multiple Choice)
Part B- Short Answer Questions.
Part C- Media Long Answer Response
Measuring Friendship
Student Activity-The student will understand the note about Friendship and complete the following activity.
Assigned- Friday April 27th, 2012
Due Wed May 2nd, 2012
5.12 Homework Task: How Intimate am I?
By the time you finish this homework assignment you will . . .
· investigate the intimacy levels of your relationships
· identify the intimacy levels of your relationships
· evaluate how similar and different your intimacy levels are between relationships of different kinds
· plan any changes you would like to make in the intimacy level you have with these relationships
STEP One: Choose THREE people who you are in a relationship with at this time.
Investigate your level of intimacy with each person by making written records of how you communicate with each of these people. For example, did you share an emotion with one of your parents today? Maintain these records for at least two days. You should have at least three written records for each relationship.
NB: You may choose your relationship with God as one of your three relationships.
STEP Two: After you have read over your written records, read over the Relationship Intimacy Scale levels. Identify which level each of your five relationships is in at this point in time. For example, you could say that you have a level four relationship with your brother because you told him how upset you were with a test score. And yet, you didn’t feel that you could tell him how you have always been jealous of how well he does in school. Be sure to explain your answers.
STEP Three: This is the most important part of the assignment. Write a half page indicating any surprises you found about the levels of your relationships. For example, if you found that you are actually more intimate with your parent than your best friend, would that surprise you? Lastly, which of your five relationships would you like to change to a different level of intimacy? Explain why.
Assessment: You will be assessed for your understanding and application of the Intimacy Scale. You will receive a learning skill indicator for “works habits” when this assignment is due in two days time.
Disciples Learn the Meaning of Friendship from Jesus
Disciples of Jesus
Describe the relationship this disciple has with Jesus.
What did Jesus teach this disciple about friendship?
Simon Peter
Mk. 3:13-19
Mk. 9:2-8
Jn. 21:1-19
| ||
Mk 1:16-20
Mk. 3:13-19
Jn. 1:35-42
| ||
Mtt. 9:9-13
Mtt. 10:1-4
| ||
Mary Mag.
Mk. 14:3-9
Mk. 16:1-8
Jn. 12:1-8
| ||
John Baptist
Lk. 1:5-45, 57
Jn. 3:22-30
| ||
Mother Mary
Lk. 1:26-56
Lk. 2:39-52
Jn. 19:16-30
| ||
Lk. 10:38-42
Jn. 11:1-44
| ||
Jn. 3:1-21
Jn. 19:38-42
| ||
Joseph of
Jn. 19:38-42
Mk. 15:42-47
| ||
Joanna and Suzanna
Lk. 8:1-3
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