Thursday 10 May 2012

Six Images of the Church-May 10

The Six Images of the Church


The Church is an organized structure with rules and buildings.  This image includes the leaders of the Church and the hierarchical structure of this leadership.  Christ, followed by the Pope, is the head of this hierarchy.  The Church is not a democracy.

The Church speaks on behalf of the oppressed, poor, and outcast and is an advocate for a just and loving world.


The Church proclaims or “heralds” Jesus’ message with words and actions. The Church calls us to hear the word of God, to celebrate and believe.  Christians have a responsibility of “spreading” the message of Jesus to the world.

The Church shows the world the presence of God through love and sacrament.  The Church is the Body of Christ on earth.  Each member is a part of that body.  Each member carries on Christ’s work of building the Kingdom of God on earth.


It serves the People of God and all of God’s creatures.  As Jesus’ washed the disciples feet, we too are called to serve others using our talents, skills and interests.  A Christian is the hands and feet of Jesus on earth.


It is a community that welcomes everyone and has a vision of what the world could be.   We are devoted to one another through being one body in Christ.

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